' Write your code here to restore the global state. If (e.IsUndoRedo) Then ' An undo or redo operation has occurred and the DOM is read-only. Return End If ' A field change has occurred and the DOM is writable. ' Write your code here.
Write a description of the event or activity. Include details such as the main topic, a brief agenda, and other important ...
Write a letter to a customer, client, or friend. You can create a letter for a specific individual, or create a form letter ...
Write code that runs as soon as the contents of the selected field begin to be edited and before any changes to the data ...
Write code that runs when focus in the form is moved from one control to another, even if the contents of the first control ...
Write your code here to restore the global state. If (e.IsUndoRedo) Then ' An undo or redo operation has occurred and the ...
Write your code here to restore the global state. if (e.IsUndoRedo) { An undo or redo operation has occurred and the DOM ...
Write your code that will run before a Save or Save As operation here. ' The Dirty property will be set to false if save ...
Write your code that will run before a Save or Save As operation here. e.IsCancelled = e.PerformSaveOperation ' Write your ...
Write your code that will run before a Save or Save As operation here. e.IsCancelled = e.PerformSaveOperation(); Write your ...