Commands: /i identity (/collection:CollectionURI | /server:ServerURI) Displays identity information without any membership information. /im identity (/collection:CollectionURI | /server:ServerURI) Displays identity information with direct membership information. /imx identity (/collection:CollectionURI | /server:ServerURI) Displays identity information with expanded membership information. /g [scope] (/collection:CollectionURI | /server:ServerURI) Lists the groups within a project scope. The project scope is a project uniform resource identifier (URI). If the scope is omitted, the groups displayed are those that belong to the scope specified by /collection or /server, depending on which was used. /gcg groupName [groupDescription] (/collection:CollectionURI | /server:ServerURI) Creates a collection-level or instance-level group. /gc scope groupName [groupDescription] /collection:CollectionURI Creates a project-level group within a project scope. The project scope is a project uniform resource identifier (URI). /gun groupidentity groupname (/collection:CollectionURI | /server:ServerURI) Renames a collection-level or instance-level group. /gud groupidentity groupdescription (/collection:CollectionURI | /server:ServerURI) Changes the description for a collection-level or instance-level group. /gd groupIdentity (/collection:CollectionURI | /server:ServerURI) Deletes a group from the collection-level or instance-level. /g+ groupIdentity memberIdentity (/collection:CollectionURI | /server:ServerURI) Adds a user or a group to an existing group. /g- groupIdentity memberIdentity (/collection:CollectionURI | /server:ServerURI) Removes a user or group from an existing group. /m groupIdentity [memberIdentity] (/collection:CollectionURI | /server:ServerURI) Checks explicit and implicit group membership information for a specified group or user. /a [namespace] (/collection:CollectionURI | /server:ServerURI) Displays information about what options are valid for the command at the collection-level or the instance-level, as determined by the /collection or /server parameter. If namespace is not specified, lists the available namespaces at the specified level. If a namespace is specified, lists the available actions for that namespace at the specified level. /a+ namespace token action identity (ALLOW | DENY) (/collection:CollectionURI | /server:ServerURI) Adds permissions for a user or group to a instance-level, collection-level, or project-level group. /a- namespace token action identity (ALLOW | DENY) (/collection:CollectionURI | /server:ServerURI) Removes permissions for a user or group from a instance-level, collection-level, or project-level group. /acl namespace token (/collection:CollectionURI | /server:ServerURI) Displays the access control list for a particular object.
Comma-separated list of messages. In a Consider fragment, messages on this list must occur as specified in the fragment, ...
Comma-separated list of the type ('Active', 'Excluded', or 'Absent') of warnings and errors to save to the output report ...
Command Line : Specifies the command line to use when executing the rule. Use propertyname to insert property switch values ...
Command Line|The command line to execute when the build customization is run. Use PropertyName to insert a user property's ...
Commands: /i identity (/collection:CollectionURI | /server:ServerURI) Displays identity information without any membership ...
comment()" returns all comments in the document. "descendant::comment()" selects all the comments that are descendants of ...
Comments cannot contain two adjacent hyphens '-'. Two adjacent hyphens '-' must be followed by a close angle bracket character ...
Commits pending changes in the current workspace, or from an existing shelveset, to Team Foundation version control. tf checkin ...
Common Language Runtime support : Specifies whether this configuration supports the Common Language Runtime. This is incompatible ...