WARNING: Terminating a process can cause undesired results including loss of data and system instability. The process will not be given the chance to save its state or data before it is terminated. Are you sure you want to terminate the process?
Warning: License usage for a product licensed in per server mode is nearing the maximum number of licenses purchased. Consult ...
WARNING: Portions of "%s" cannot be read. The backed up data is corrupt or incomplete. This file will not restore correctly. ...
Warning: Restricting access by domain name requires a DNS reverse lookup on each connection. This is a very expensive operation ...
WARNING: Since the specified interval is greater than 9999 minutes and not divisible by 60, repetition interval will be set ...
WARNING: Terminating a process can cause undesired results including loss of data and system instability. The process will ...
Warning: The associated pointer (PTR) record cannot be created, probably because the referenced reverse lookup zone cannot ...
Warning: the following line represents a registry change that could be ; expressed in an INF file. The data type has been ...
Warning: the following line represents a registry change that could be ; expressed in an INF file. The root key has been ...
Warning: The forward action for this rule will not work when 'encrypt all outgoing messages' or 'sign all outgoing messages' ...