Usage: %1!s! [[localaddress=]] [[localport=] ] [[remoteaddress=] ] [[remoteport=] ] [[rr=] ] Parameters: Tag Value localaddress - Must include the local IP address for a connection. localport - Must include the local port for a connection. remoteaddress - Must include the local IP address for a connection. remoteport - Must include the local port for a connection. rr - Refresh rate in seconds for TCP connection information. Remarks: Displays TCP connection status information. Examples: %1!s! %1!s! index= 389 1931
Usage: %1!s! listenport= | listenaddress= | protocol=]tcp Parameters: Tag Value listenport - IPv4 port on which to listen. ...
Usage: %1!s! listenport= | listenaddress= | protocol=]tcp Parameters: Tag Value listenport - IPv4 port on which to listen. ...
Usage: %1!s! listenport= | listenaddress= | protocol=]tcp Parameters: Tag Value listenport - IPv6 port on which to listen. ...
Usage: %1!s! listenport= | listenaddress= | protocol=]tcp Parameters: Tag Value listenport - IPv6 port on which to listen. ...
Usage: %1!s! localaddress= localport= remoteaddress= remoteport= rr= Parameters: Tag Value localaddress - Must include the ...
Usage: %1!s! localaddress= localport= rr= Parameters: Tag Value localaddress - Must include the local IP address for a UDP ...
Usage: %1!s! localport=]*| remoteport=]*| Parameters: Tag Value localport - Must provide the source port. *: all ports. This ...
Usage: %1!s! loglevel=]none|error|warn|info mintrig=]integer peermode=]include|exclude|disable Parameters: Tag Value loglevel ...
Usage: %1!s! loglevel=]none|error|warn|info Parameters: Tag Value loglevel - One of the following values: none: No logging ...