We could not find the package you were looking to apply. Please generate a valid package and upload it into Lifecycle Services.
We can't save your changes because some entities you tried to remove are used in automation rules. Please review the automation ...
We can't schedule the import because your email mailbox isn't configured with Dynamics 365 server-side synchronization for ...
We cannot find System Diagnostic results associated with this project. Please supply the following information about the ...
We cannot show the selected item. Please make sure you have the latest software installed and that you have privileges to ...
We could not find the package you were looking to apply. Please generate a valid package and upload it into Lifecycle Services. ...
We could not log in with the email address (%1) and password combination that you entered. Double-check your credentials, ...
We could not open the file you provided. It seems the file is corrupt. Please re-export the file from the original system ...
We couldn't connect you to your Microsoft Dynamics 365 server. The Dynamics 365 user account you tried to sign in with doesn't ...
We couldn't download changes to the app because your device is currently not connected to a network, please reconnect and ...