TF80076: The data in the work item is not valid or you do not have permissions to modify the data. Please correct the problem and retry.
TF80070: Team Foundation encountered an error while performing the operation. It is recommended that you save your work and ...
TF80071: Team Foundation encountered an error while accessing the work item database. Please contact the Team Foundation ...
TF80072: Could not connect to Team Foundation Server. Check that you have a network connection and that your Team Foundation ...
TF80074: Team Foundation was unable to load the document because the document properties are corrupted. The document will ...
TF80076: The data in the work item is not valid or you do not have permissions to modify the data. Please correct the problem ...
TF80078: Unable to retrieve data from the work items database server. The network connection might be lost or the server ...
TF80083: Team Foundation could not retrieve the work item from the database because either the work item no longer exists ...
TF82010: This field does not exist or is read only for the work item type "{0}". If you modified the field within the Task ...
TF82022: The new field mapping is incomplete or contains unrecognized fields. The mapping document must include ID, Rev, ...