This is a time-consuming task as all imported tables will be checked one time for each imported record.
Click No to cancel.
This invoice proposal contains more than 100 transactions. Posting the invoice proposal could take more than 30 seconds. ...
This is a built-in custom report layout, and it cannot be modified.\Do you want to modify a copy of the custom report layout ...
This is a Business Intelligence framework generated object. Customizing this object may cause problems with generation, deployment, ...
This is a merged business relation and it is recommended that you create any new transactions against the surviving relation ...
This is a time-consuming task as all imported tables will be checked one time for each imported record. Click No to cancel. ...
This is a unique sequence number set up to be used by free text invoices created as a result of adding additional amount ...
This is an internal field, mainly used during import so that we don't create a team member record for the project manager. ...
This is because selecting numbers from the database is considerably slower than selecting from the memory of the computer. ...
This is gift card related payment method. Please remove card types that are not Gift Cards from the card setup and try again. ...