Failed to resolve destination provided in the configuration, the address or host name can be malformed or there was a temporary host name resolution failure. One or more workflows were affected by this. Workflow name: %2 Instance name: %3 Instance ID: %4 Management group: %1
Failed to replace parameter while creating the alert for monitor state change. It was possibly caused by incorrect XPATH ...
Failed to replace parameter while creating the alert for monitor state change. Workflow: %7 Instance: %8 Instance ID: %5 ...
Failed to replace parameter while creating the alert. Alert: %6 Workflow: %2 Instance: %3 Instance ID: %4 Management Group: ...
Failed to replace parameter while creating the alert. It was possibly caused by incorrect XPATH and will result in rule unload. ...
Failed to resolve destination provided in the configuration, the address or host name can be malformed or there was a temporary ...
Failed to retrieve one or more properties of an application pool. Discovery will continue for other application pools. Error: ...
Failed to retrieve one or more properties of application pool '%5'. Discovery will continue for other application pools. ...
Failed to retrieve the state of all application pools. The operation will be retried. HRESULT: %5 Details: %6 One or more ...
Failed to retrieve the state of all ftp sites. The operation will be retried. HRESULT: %5 Details: %6 One or more workflows ...