This compatibility fix sets the __PROCESS_HISTORY environment variable enabling any child processes to look in their parent's directory for matching information. This is typically needed when a 32-bit unpacker creates a temporary executable that needs to have a compatibility fix applied to it.
This compatibility fix sets the screen display to 640x480 pixels when the process starts as a temporary resolution change. ...
This compatibility fix sets the screen display to 640x480 pixels with 16-bit color when the process starts as a temporary ...
This compatibility fix sets the screen display to 640x480 pixels with 8-bit color when the process starts as a temporary ...
This compatibility fix sets the working directory to match the executable path when using the IShellLink SetWorkingDirectory ...
This compatibility fix sets the _PROCESS_HISTORY environment variable enabling any child processes to look in their parent's ...
This compatibility fix takes a semi-colon delimited command line of filenames. At process termination, the DLL will extract ...
This compatibility fix trims file and product version resource strings so that they are identical to the Win2000 structure. ...
This compatibility fix validates the calls to the HeapFree API to ensure the pointer is in the heap that it was allocated ...
This compatibility fix will delay calls to LocalFree. This may help applications that are trying to free heap memory using ...