ISSIBLING=1=«Member1»,«Member2»=Returns TRUE if a specified member is a sibling of another specified member, FALSE otherwise.
is not valid for one of the following reasons: - The format of the path is not supported. - The path refers to a file instead ...
ISANCESTOR=1= Member1 , Member2 =Returns TRUE if a specified member is an ancestor of another specified member, FALSE otherwise. ...
ISGENERATION=1= Member , Numeric Expression =Returns TRUE if a specified member is in a specified generation, FALSE otherwise. ...
IsNull(ExecuteWql('Numeric', 'root\CIMV2', 'select category from Win32_NTLogEvent where EventCode=6008 and Logfile="System"'), ...
ISSIBLING=1= Member1 , Member2 =Returns TRUE if a specified member is a sibling of another specified member, FALSE otherwise. ...
It is invalid to remove the default Publisher '%1!s!', publication database '%2!s!', and publication '%3!s!' from the list ...
It is not possible to drop column '%1!s!' to article '%2!s!' because the snapshot for publication '%3!s!' has already been ...
It is only possible to connect to SQL Server Desktop Engine databases and Microsoft Access databases with this version of ...
It is strongly recommended that all replicated IDENTITY columns use the NOT FOR REPLICATION option. When automatic identity ...