This template provides a solution that enables users to quickly view Reports, Manage Tasks and Collaborate on data from SAP.
This template is used for surfacing Customer data from SAP. Enables users to Collaborate on Customer data using contextual ...
This template is used for surfacing Product data from SAP. Enables users to Collaborate on Product data using contextual ...
This template may contain potentially harmful content that will run on creation. If you trust the contents of this template ...
This template provides a groupware solution that enables teams to create, organize, and share information quickly and easily. ...
This template provides a solution that enables users to quickly view Reports, Manage Tasks and Collaborate on data from SAP. ...
This template requires a FrontPage-based Web site on your computer, or a Web server that is configured with Microsoft SharePoint ...
This template's objects are saved in a format that is no longer supported by (!idspnAccess_Short). Open the template in an ...
This term set contains terms that were being shared in other term sets, and the owning Term was deleted. You should assign ...
This test determines if the selected site is the currently active site and runs all newly created tasks. Note: Inactive sites ...