Errors are encountered during the migration of individual entities. They are recorded to Please fix them and run the migration tool again or provide a /ne switch in the command line to neglect those errors.
Error while retrieving exported event types in assembly. Details: {0}. Resolve the issue that is causing the exception, and ...
ERROR: Found {1} arguments for the command, whereas the expected number of arguments is {0}. Specify the correct number of ...
ERROR: Found {2} arguments for the command, whereas the expected number of arguments is {0}-{1}. Specify the correct number ...
Error: The dependency '%1' in project '%2' cannot be copied to the run directory because it would conflict with dependency ...
Errors are encountered during the migration of individual entities. They are recorded to Please ...
Errors were encountered while undeploying the process. For information about the event handlers with exceptions, look at ...
Event handler method {1} in event handler {0} has an input parameter of type {2} which is not supported. Specify a parameter ...
Event handler method {1} in event handler {0} has return type {2}, which is not supported. Specify a return type that is ...
Event handler methods have overlapping input parameters. In event handler {0}, the type of input parameter {2} for method ...