The Exchange ActiveSync virtual directory couldn't be loaded. No Active Directory object was found under the container '{0}' ...

The Exchange ActiveSync virtual directory couldn't be loaded. No Active Directory object was found under the container '{0}' that is mapped to the Exchange ActiveSync virtual directory in IIS with path '{1}'. This error is typically associated with Exchange ActiveSync virtual directory data that is incorrectly mapped between Active Directory and the IIS metabase. If the Exchange ActiveSync virtual directory was recently created and your organization has multiple domain dontrollers and global catalog servers, Active Directory replication has most likely not completed. If you haven't recently created a new Exchange ActiveSync virtual directory, this issue might have occurred because the virtual directory was deleted. To resolve this problem, manually delete the Exchange ActiveSync virtual directory using IIS Manager and then recreate the Exchange ActiveSync virtual directory using the New-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory task in the Exchange Management Shell.
English (United States)