The table name '{0}' specified through -Tf switch cannot be parsed successfully. Table name should be specified in format: [Database].[Schema].[Table].
The table '{0}' does not exist in the database '{1}'. Verify spelling of the table and database names and make sure you are ...
The table above shows only those jobs that are still processing on the report server. To cancel all jobs, click OK. To close ...
The Table Analysis Tools Add-in for Excel 2007 cannot function without a connection to a SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services ...
The table being loaded into memory has a user-defined data type (' ') that is not recognized. Close all of your open database ...
The table name '{0}' specified through -Tf switch cannot be parsed successfully. Table name should be specified in format: ...
The Table or View name is not expected. If you are quoting the table name, please use the prefix %1!s! and the suffix %2!s! ...
The table or view name is not valid. Please use the table prefix {0} and suffix {1} of the data provider if you are quoting ...
The table that you selected includes one or more columns of type hierarchyid. Publishing this table for bidirectional replication ...
The table was in immediate-update mode and the row was not deleted due to reaching a limit on the server, such as query execution ...