To define a new option type for use on the DHCP server. Syntax: add optiondef[vendor=VendorClass] [comment=OptComment] [DefValue] Parameters: OptCode - Unique option code that identifies the option you are defining. The value should be a number between 0 and 255. OptName - Name of the newly created option type for use at this server. DataType - Data type of the option. Should be of the following: BYTE | WORD | DWORD | STRING | IPADDRESS IsArray - 0=The data type is Unary or non-arrayed (Default) - 1=The data type is arrayed VendorName - The name of the vendor class for which the option is to be added. If unspecified, the default is to use the default vendor class, the DHCP Standard Options class. OptComment - An optional comment. If used, the comment= field tag must be provided. The default value is NULL. DefValue - A default value to be used for this option type if one is not specified otherwise. Notes: For parameters, indicate a required parameter and [braces] an optional parameter. If parameters that require field tags are used, you must provide and use all parameters that precede them in the fully ordered command syntax. Example: add optiondef 18 ExtensionsPath STRING 0 c: emp add optiondef 231 TestOption IPADDRESS add optiondef 231 TestOption IPADDRESS 1 vendor=MyVendorClass The first example defines a new option type named ExtensionsPath with code 18, a data type of STRING and assigns it a default value of c: emp. The second and third examples defines an option type named TestOption with code 231 of data type IPADDRESS. In the second example, the option is defined to provide only a single IP address. The IsArray and DefValue parameters are not necessary because defaults are assumed. In the third example, defValue and IsArray parameters are required.
To create and add a range of IP addresses for distribution to the scope. Syntax: add iprange ClientType MaxBootP Parameters: ...
To create and add a range of IP addresses for distribution with the current multicast scope. Syntax: add iprange Parameters: ...
To create one, you can set up an Internet account with the Internet service provider (ISP) offered by your computer manufacturer, ...
To customize these settings, you must first import them from the current machine. After selecting to import the settings, ...
To define a new option type for use on the DHCP server. Syntax: add optiondef vendor=VendorClass comment=OptComment DefValue ...
To delete a client address reservation from the current scope. Syntax: delete reservedip Parameters: ReservedIP - The IP ...
To delete a client lease from the current scope. Syntax: delete lease {leaseip | \hostname | allbadaddresses | allrasserveraddresses} ...
To delete a currently set exclusion range from the list for the current multicast scope. Syntax: delete excluderange Parameters: ...
To delete a defined option type from the DHCP server. Syntax: delete optiondef vendor=VendorName Parameters: OptCode - Unique ...