If set to "Simple," then only the standard USMT configuration files are used. If set to "Advanced," then OSDMigrateConfigFiles specifies the configuration files that the USMT should use.
If Configuration Manager detects duplicate hardware IDs, you can allow Configuration Manager to resolve the conflict or you ...
If Configuration Manager is used as a source for definition updates, clients will only update from alternative sources if ...
If Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration is disabled, enable Active scripting in the Internet zone, which you ...
If Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration is enabled, Enable Active scripting in the Trusted sites zone,which ...
If set to "Simple," then only the standard USMT configuration files are used. If set to "Advanced," then OSDMigrateConfigFiles ...
If software distribution is disabled and then re-enabled, all current advertisements will be offered to device clients even ...
If software updates are not available on preferred distribution point or remote distribution point, download content from ...
If software updates are not available on preferred distribution point or remote distribution point, download content from ...
If the AMT-based computer is currently on a wireless connection, this connection might be disconnected for the duration of ...