PREDICTSUPPORT=3=[, EXCLUDE_NULL|INCLUDE_NULL| ]=The PredictSupport function returns the support value for either the most likely value or the specified value.
Prediction join query is not valid because the ON clause joins a table input column to the '%{modelcol/}' scalar mining model ...
Prediction query timeout limit is too small for this Time Series prediction request based on mining model, %{modelname/}. ...
PREDICTPROBABILITY=3= , EXCLUDE_NULL|INCLUDE_NULL| ]=The PredictProbablility function returns the probability value for either ...
PREDICTSEQUENCE=3= , | , ]=The PredictSequence function returns a sequence of events that is n steps long (one if not specified) ...
PREDICTSUPPORT=3= , EXCLUDE_NULL|INCLUDE_NULL| ]=The PredictSupport function returns the support value for either the most ...
PREDICTTIMESERIES=3= | , | , ,EXTEND_MODEL_CASES|REPLACE_MODEL_CASES|=The PredictTimeSeries function returns the next n steps ...
Prefix '%1!s!' used in WITH XMLNAMESPACES clause contains an invalid XML identifier. '%2!s!'( 3!s!) is the first character ...
Preparation of table '{0}' for merge replication had been chosen as a deadlock victim, the operation will be retried in {1} ...
Preparing to retrieve run-time value of substitution property '{0}' in order to generate access control entries as part of ...