Unexpected default version control repository type for project: {0}. Expected a "{1}" repository, but found a "{2}" repository.
Undo move code operation completed in Coded UI Test Editor. However, you must manually undo the changes in the following ...
Undoing checkouts will lose any local changes for the selected items. If the selection includes solutions, projects or folders ...
Undoing this operation may result in a loss of work. The operation represents all changes made in the designer before the ...
Unexpected data found in fence status key {0}. Ensure that Fence Agent is running and has the required permissions to write ...
Unexpected default version control repository type for project: {0}. Expected a "{1}" repository, but found a "{2}" repository. ...
Unexpected error encountered. It is recommended that you restart the application as soon as possible. Error: %s File: %S ...
Unexpected number of DataSet classes found in user validation file. Do not manually modify the class-structure of this file. ...
Unexpected quotation operator '<@' in type definition. If you intend to pass a verbatim string as a static argument to a ...
Unexpected version control repository type for repository {0} in project: {1}. Expected a "{2}" repository type but the actual ...