TF206011: The solution and its projects span multiple workspaces. Only one workspace may be active for the solution. Therefore, one or more projects will be uncontrolled. Spanned Workspaces: {0}
TF206006: The path {0} contains characters that are not allowed in path names. The characters that are not allowed are: ASCII/Unicode ...
TF206007: You did not provide a source path and the local path is not mapped to a server folder. Provide a value for the ...
TF206008: Unable to determine the local workspace because the local path you provided either is not mapped to a server folder ...
TF206009: The filter {0} contains characters that are not allowed in path names. The characters that are not allowed are: ...
TF206011: The solution and its projects span multiple workspaces. Only one workspace may be active for the solution. Therefore, ...
TF206012: The system cannot edit the copy of {0} in your workspace because the read-only attribute is set on this file, and ...
TF206013: Before you can complete the operation on {0}, you must first save this file. Do you want to save the file and complete ...
TF206015: Cannot undo some pending rename operations because they form a cycle. For more information, see the Output window. ...
TF206016: Check-in operation was stopped because after saving all your open files, the system pended changes to some additional ...