Conflicting contact(s) are highlighted below. Please select them to overwrite the existing contact(s) in the contact list.
Confirm or modify the member information below. Some information cannot be modified. Click Back to add or remove members. ...
Conflict records still exist for this table. (!idspnAccess_NV) will alert you that your database has conflicts each time ...
Conflicting changes are highlighted in red. This page cannot be edited, but you can copy changes to the main page. Click ...
Conflicting changes are highlighted in red. This page cannot be edited, but you can copy changes to the primary page. Click ...
Conflicting contact(s) are highlighted below. Please select them to overwrite the existing contact(s) in the contact list. ...
Conflicting edits have been made to the following messages. You may read any version of the message by selecting the message ...
Conflicting Groove, Microsoft Groove Server, or Microsoft SharePoint Workspace software exists on this computer. Uninstall ...
Conflicts still exist for this table. You will be alerted that your database has conflicts each time you open the database ...
Congratulations! The Gantt Chart Wizard is ready to format your Gantt Chart. To change your selections, choose the Back button ...