DPAPI Activity This policy setting allows you to audit events generated when encryption or decryption requests are made to the Data Protection application interface (DPAPI). DPAPI is used to protect secret information such as stored password and key information. For more information about DPAPI, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=121720. If you configure this policy setting, an audit event is generated when an encryption or decryption request is made to DPAPI. Success audits record successful requests and Failure audits record unsuccessful requests. If you do not configure this policy setting, no audit event is generated when an encryption or decryption request is made to DPAPI. Volume: Low.
Download is not yet complete. Saving now will result in some levels being discarded. This will lower the quality of the saved ...
Download Manager '{0}' referenced by '{1}' does not exist. Please ensure that the referenced download manager exists and ...
Download Windows updates and apps from other PCs in addition to Microsoft. This can help speed up app and update downloads. ...
Downloaded Program Files are ActiveX controls and Java applets downloaded automatically from the Internet when you view certain ...
DPAPI Activity This policy setting allows you to audit events generated when encryption or decryption requests are made to ...
DPC Rate is the rate at which deferred procedure calls (DPCs) were added to the processors DPC queues between the timer ticks ...
DPC Time is the percentage of time that the processor spent receiving and servicing deferred procedure calls (DPCs) during ...
DPCs Deferred/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which DPCs are deferred from executing immediately to ...
DPCs Queued on Other CPUs/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the miniport queued a DPC on one CPU ...