NSPI RPC Requests Average Latency is the average time, in milliseconds, that NSPI requests took to complete during the sampling period.
NOTE: To determine the minimum set of transaction log files that must be replayed with this database, run this command at ...
NSPI Connections Total is the total number of NSPI client processes that have connected to the server since the service was ...
NSPI RPC Browse Requests Average Latency is the average time, in milliseconds, that NSPI browse requests took to complete ...
NSPI RPC Browse Requests Total is the total number of NSPI browse requests received by the server since the Address Book ...
NSPI RPC Requests Average Latency is the average time, in milliseconds, that NSPI requests took to complete during the sampling ...
NSPI RPC Requests Total is the total number of NSPI requests received by the server since the Address Book service was started. ...
NspiBind returned ecNotSupported. This typically indicates that your server requires RPC encryption. ExRCA will attempt the ...
Number of AD Policy Queries on Reconnect is the number of Exchange ActiveSync policy objects that are queried from Active ...
Number of Content Conversions Done is the total number of content conversions that have been done in the filter daemon since ...