NET START EVENTLOG starts the event logging service, which logs events on the local computer. This service must be started prior to using the Event Viewer to view the logged events. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time.
NET SESSION lists or disconnects sessions between the computer and other computers on the network. When used without options, ...
NET SHARE makes a server's resources available to network users. When used without options, it lists information about all ...
NET SHARE sharename sharename=drive:path /GRANT:user,[READ | CHANGE | FULL /USERS:number | /UNLIMITED /REMARK:"text" /CACHE:Manual ...
NET START BROWSER starts the Browser service. The Browser service supports browsing computers on the network and being browsed ...
NET START EVENTLOG starts the event logging service, which logs events on the local computer. This service must be started ...
NET START lists running services. service May include one of the following services: BROWSER DHCP CLIENT EVENTLOG FILE REPLICATION ...
NET START NETLOGON starts the Windows NetLogon service, which verifies logon requests and controls replication of the user ...
NET START SCHEDULE starts the Windows Schedule service. The Schedule service must be running to schedule events using the ...
NET START SERVER starts the Windows Server service, which controls access to resources. NET HELP command | MORE displays ...