Report processing stopped because too many rows in summary tables are missing in the call detail recording (CDR) database. To resolve this issue, run dbo.RtcGenerateSummaryTables on the LcsCDR database.
Removes global Active Directory containers, universal groups, and access control entries (ACEs) required to host Lync Server ...
Renegotiate is allowed in Connected state or in Incoming/Alerted state after a provisional with SDP has been exchanged. Current ...
Report of discovered partners (continued). The report started with the most recent instance of event 14601. This is page ...
Report of discovered partners that the Access Edge Server is currently monitoring. There are %1 discovered partners, identified ...
Report processing stopped because too many rows in summary tables are missing in the call detail recording (CDR) database. ...
Report processing stopped because too many rows in summary tables are missing in the Quality of Experience (QoE) database. ...
Represents the total number of MRAS requests initiated by A/V Conferencing Server in case it is configured with an MRAS/PDP ...
Required component Windows Installer not found. Verify that the component installer exists at the correct location and then ...
Restarted log session. Support for dynamically adding/removing components and changing level or flags is not supported on ...