Required. Specifies the distinguished names of the quota objects to view. If values are omitted, they are obtained through standard input (stdin) to support piping of output from another command to input of this command. -dn Displays the distinguished names of the quota specifications. -acct Displays the the distinguished names of the accounts to which the quotas are assigned. -qlimit Displays the quota limits for the specified quotas. An unlimited quota displays as "-1". {-s | -d } -s connects to the domain controller (DC) with name . -d connects to a DC in domain . Default: a DC in the logon domain. -u Connect as . Default: the logged in user. User name can be: user name, domain\user name, or user principal name (UPN). -p { | *} Password for the user . If * then prompt for password. -c Continuous operation mode: report errors but continue with next object in argument list when multiple target objects are specified. Without this option, command exits on first error. -q Quiet mode: suppress all output to standard output. -L Displays the entries in the search result set in a list format. Default: table format. {-uc | -uco | -uci} -uc Specifies that input from or output to pipe is formatted in Unicode. -uco Specifies that output to pipe or file is formatted in Unicode. -uci Specifies that input from pipe or file is formatted in Unicode. /? Displays help at the command prompt.
Requests must use one of the selected cryptographic service providers (CSPs). If no CSPs are selected, requests use any one ...
Requests that the fan speed be set to the value specified in the method's input parameter. The return value should be 0 if ...
RequestType is bit-mapped and identifies the type of Descriptor request and the recipient. The type of request may be 'standard', ...
RequestValue contains the Descriptor Type in the high byte and the Descriptor Index (for example, index or offset into the ...
Required. Specifies the distinguished names of the quota objects to view. If values are omitted, they are obtained through ...
requires the following component(s): %2 Adding it will also add these components. Do you want to add %1 and all components ...
Rescan attempted to learn about device configuration changes, because an indication was received that device configuration ...
Reservation options are additional configuration parameters that a DHCP server can assign to a specific DHCP client. For ...
Reserved Space is virtual memory that has been reserved for future use by a process, but has not been mapped or committed. ...