You are being prevented from removing your domain because your custom email address is set as your account's Primary alias. Please go to, sign in and set an alias as your primary.
You are being prevented from completing this action because the email address you are trying to sign-up with is used by an ...
You are being prevented from completing this action because this alias has to be removed manually from your Microsoft account. ...
You are being prevented from completing this action because you have already changed your domain. You are not allowed to ...
You are being prevented from completing this action because you have used the maximum number of allowed aliases on your Microsoft ...
You are being prevented from removing your domain because your custom email address is set as your account's Primary alias. ...
You are currently using %BRAND_ONLINE_SERVICES_DYNAMIC% in trial mode. You must have a paid subscription to add a custom ...
You are currently using %BRAND_ONLINE_SERVICES_DYNAMIC% in trial mode. You must have a paid subscription to add a custom ...
You are eligible to install {0}, however Office deployment tool will uninstall the following Office applications. Once uninstalled ...
You are installing or uninstalling %BRAND_OFFICE_SHORT% on company owned %BRAND_WINDOWS_10% devices for the group(s) below. ...