Install SQL Server 2008 trial version from the link: Install SQL Server 2008 SP1 from the link provided and run prerequisite checker again:
Initialization of a module of type "%5" (CLSID "%6") failed with error code %7 causing the rule "%2" running for instance ...
Initialization of a module of type "%5" (CLSID "%6") failed with error code %7 causing the rule "%2" running for instance ...
Install PowerShell 2.0 on this computer. For more information on where to download the Windows Management Framework, which ...
Install SQL Server 2005 trial version from the link provided and run prerequisite checker again ...
Install SQL Server 2008 trial version from the link: Install SQL Server 2008 ...
Installation of System Center "Service Desk" failed. Please take the following steps to help diagnose the cause of setup ...
Installing the database, webconsole without Manager Server component is not allowed. Please install database, then install ...
Instances of DomainClass '{0}' cannot be serialized as a moniker. A DomainClass can be serialized as a moniker only if 1) ...
Instances of DomainClass '{0}' cannot be serialized as a moniker. A DomainClass can be serialized as a moniker only if 1) ...