Verifies SQL Server is configured to reserve at least 8 gigabytes (GB) of memory, 4 gigabytes (GB) for secondary site, by using the minimum server memory option.
User updated the schedule of Deployment (ID=%1), PresentTime and ExpirationTime were changed from %2 to %3, mandatory schedule ...
User updated the schedule of Deployment (ID={0}), PresentTime and ExpirationTime were changed from {1} to {2}, mandatory ...
utility initiated by Site Backup did not complete in timely fashion. Terminating this utility. You may need to get its generated ...
Valid folder names must be less than 127 characters and must not contain any of the following characters: / | \ : ? " < > ...
Verifies SQL Server is configured to reserve at least 8 gigabytes (GB) of memory, 4 gigabytes (GB) for secondary site, by ...
Verifies that a valid Service Principal Name (SPN) is registered in Active Directory Domain Services for the account configured ...
Verifies that all of the clients assigned to the site to be upgraded meet the minimum operating system requirement of Windows ...
Verifies that all site servers in the hierarchy meet the Configuration Manager minimum version that is required for upgrade. ...
Verifies that the machine account of site server has administrative rights on the management point and distribution point ...