The TDDS service attempted to access the tracking database while partitioning data was being changed. Make sure that repartitioning of tracking records has completed before running the TDDS service.
The target namespace of the following property schema(s) has been changed since they have been added into this schema. Delete ...
The target namespace of this schema cannot be blank because this schema has a prefix associated with the target namespace. ...
The target node '{0}' has more than one Nil-Value functoid connected to it, with at least one being conditional. Depending ...
The target shape is in a Group shape, but the source shape is not. Both the source and target shapes must be members of the ...
The TDDS service attempted to access the tracking database while partitioning data was being changed. Make sure that repartitioning ...
The third and fourth parameters of the Database Lookup functoid, which represent the table name and column name, must be ...
The throttling state of the message delivery. A non-zero value indicates that the message delivery is being throttled due ...
The throttling state of the message publishing. A non-zero value indicates that the message publishing is being throttled ...
The time interval, in seconds, between two consecutive queries performed by the adapter to see if any new messages are available ...