The conversion could not be completed because the supplied DateTime did not have the Kind property set correctly. For example, when the Kind property is DateTimeKind.Local, the source time zone must be TimeZoneInfo.Local.
The control with ID '{0}' requires a ScriptManager on the page. The ScriptManager must appear before any controls that need ...
The control with id {1} contains newline characters in its inner text. A {0} control cannot contain newline characters in ...
The ControlFilterExpression belonging to '{0}' could not find a control with ID '{1}'. Please check the value of the ControlID ...
The Controls property of UpdatePanel with ID '{0}' cannot be modified directly. To change the contents of the UpdatePanel ...
The conversion could not be completed because the supplied DateTime did not have the Kind property set correctly. For example, ...
The correlation initializer attribute is not defined for any interface member in '{0}'. At least one member should have the ...
The correlation token "{0}" has an owner activity name which does not match with the initializer activity's correlation token ...
The Counter layout for the Category specified is invalid, a counter of the type: AverageCount64, AverageTimer32, CounterMultiTimer, ...
The Create Permission Set wizard allows you to create a new permission set. A new permission set can be built from the permissions ...