Unable to migrate to Active Directory Domain Services. object = '%1', target container = '%2' Another object already exists with the same name or ID. Existing object's class = '%3', object = '%4', common attribute = %5 , DN = '%6'.
Unable to log data into the specified database instance. Connection to the Database could not be established.%rPossible causes ...
Unable to log data into the specified database instance. Connection to the Database could not be established.%rPossible causes ...
Unable to look up the address of an SNMP Extension routine in the INETMIB1.DLL library. The WIN32 error number is returned ...
Unable to look up the address of the SnmpMgrStrToOid routine in the MGMTAPI.DLL library. The WIN32 error number is returned ...
Unable to migrate to Active Directory Domain Services. object = '%1', target container = '%2' Another object already exists ...
Unable to migrate to active directory. Current object = '%1' migrating container = '%2' Another object already exists with ...
Unable to migrate Windows Search Service indexed data for user '%1' to user '%2' in response to user profile migration. Error ...
Unable to modify the defunct object. You can only modify active schema object if your domain functional level is Win2000. ...
Unable to modify the object property values. Check your credentials. There could be a network problem. Active Directory Domain ...