Saving this form layout will overwrite the current layout. You may not have a way to revert these changes. To keep that option open, please choose to save as instead to save. Are you sure you want to continue?
Save the vendor card as a template that can be reused to create new vendor cards. Vendor templates contain preset information ...
Save this %s as a record in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Tracked items can be viewed by anyone who has access to your records ...
Save this %s as an activity in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Tracked items can be viewed by anyone who has access to your activities ...
Save this record. You can choose to save and continue working in the record, save and close it, or save and open a new record. ...
Saving this form layout will overwrite the current layout. You may not have a way to revert these changes. To keep that option ...
Saving your recording to a Lifecycle Services (LCS) library will publish the diagram for the recording on the specified business ...
Schedule %1 is marked to prompt for payment schedule, at least one payment schedule must be provided on the payment schedule ...
Schedule bulk copy and upgrade script tasks to upgrade the data in all company accounts. Make sure upgrade preprocessing ...
Schedules which are tied to items cannot be deleted. In order to proceed, either delete the item associated with this schedule, ...