The folder for the File Sharing workspace cannot be created because the folder name contains one or more characters \ / : * ? " < > | that are not legal.
The folder '%s' cannot be selected. This may be because of a limitation of your IMAP server or the folder may have been deleted ...
The folder '%s' cannot contain subfolders. This is most likely a limitation of your IMAP server. In order to create a folder ...
The folder '|' isn't accessible. The folder may be located in an unavailable location, protected with a password, or the ...
The folder for "%1" cannot be synchronized. See SharePoint Workspace Help for more information on reasons why a particular ...
The folder for the File Sharing workspace cannot be created because the folder name contains one or more characters \ / : ...
The folder is no longer synchronized with the server. You must add the folder to Outlook again to restore synchronization. ...
The folder name contains a character that is not allowed. Please retype a name using any characters except for the following: ...
The folder name is not valid. It contains invalid characters, such as non-alphabetical and non-numeric characters. Make sure ...
The folder name used to store network folder shortcuts published from SharePoint Server. "My SharePoints" (localized) by ...