You cannot insert a protected XPS file into (!idspnOneNote) as a Printout because this notebook is in an earlier (!idspnOneNote) format. You can upgrade this notebook to (!idspnOneNote_Short) format by right-clicking it and clicking Properties.
You cannot import a project to Project Server that is already an enterprise project}Start the wizard again and then import ...
You cannot import objects into a database created in an earlier version of |9.@To convert the database to the current version ...
You cannot import or restore from a file of this format.}To import from this file, first convert the file by cancelling out ...
You cannot insert a (!idspnOneNote) section into another (!idspnOneNote) section. Choose another file type to insert and ...
You cannot insert a protected XPS file into (!idspnOneNote) as a Printout because this notebook is in an earlier (!idspnOneNote) ...
You cannot insert or delete cells when doing so would cause some merged cells to unmerge. To perform this operation, open ...
You cannot insert tasks before a project summary task.}Because a project summary task summarizes your entire project, it ...
You cannot install the 32-bit version of Microsoft Office 2010, because you have 64-bit versions of Office products installed. ...
You cannot install the 32-bit version of Office 2010 because you have 64-bit Office products installed. These 64-bit products ...