One or more shares present on this server have access based enumeration enabled. Guidance: You should expect this event when ...

One or more shares present on this server have access based enumeration enabled.


You should expect this event when enabling access-based enumeration on one or more shares by using either Server Manager or the Set-SmbShare Windows PowerShell cmdlet. Access-based enumeration can raise CPU utilization when clients connect to shares with folders containing many peer-level resources to which a user does not have access. You can control the CPU utilization by configuring the ABELevel value in the Windows registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters\ABELevel [DWORD]

You can set the value for ABELevel to greater depths to minimize CPU overhead, but doing so diminishes the effectiveness of access-based enumeration:

Value = 0: access-based enumeration is enabled for all levels

Value = 1: access-based enumeration is enabled for a depth of 1 (example: \server\share)

Value = 2: access-based enumeration is enabled for a depth of 2 (example: \server\share\folder)

You can continue setting values for multiple depth levels.