Failed to process request for the MCU with the following modality %1 and vendor %2. The connection to the database might be broken.
Failed to post a listen Web Conferencing Edge Server failed to listen on address %1. Error code reported was %2. Make sure ...
Failed to process data received from the client Over the past %1 minutes Lync Server has disconnected clients %2 time(s) ...
Failed to process empty replica status report. This replica will not receive configuration changes until a new configuration ...
Failed to process replica status report. If this replica status is not up to date, Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Master Replicator ...
Failed to process request for the MCU with the following modality %1 and vendor %2. The connection to the database might ...
Failed to process service consumer event to update the User Services Global Settings because the value of Attribute1 cannot ...
Failed to process the Get Lockout Report stored procedure. Exception Details: %1 Cause: The connection to the database might ...
Failed to process the Get Pin Info Batch stored procedure. Exception Details: %1 Cause: The connection to the database might ...
Failed to process the Get Published Cert stored procedure. User:%1 Exception Details: %2 Cause: The connection to the database ...