Filtering is especially helpful if your database is large. To include all of the data in your query, go on to the next step. To filter out some of the data, select a column from the Column To Filter list. In the Only Include Rows Where group, select an operation from the list on the left and then select the data you want in the list on the right. To filter the column further, click And or Or and repeat this process. To refine the selected data further, select each column in turn from the Column To Filter list.
Field above a hidden Top/Bottom filtering context field can not be a custom group field. You are trying to remove field '|0', ...
Field below a hidden Top/Bottom filtered field can not be a custom group field. The Top/Bottom filtered field '|0' is hidden, ...
file_name,file_origin,start_row,file_type,text_qualifier,consecutive_delim,tab,semicolon,comma,space,other,other_char,field_info ...
Filtering data in Excel is done through the drop-down arrows at the top of the data in the sheet. To start filtering data, ...
Filtering is especially helpful if your database is large. To include all of the data in your query, go on to the next step. ...
find_text,replace_text,look_at,look_by,active_cell,match_case,match_byte,match_ctlchars,match_diac,match_kash,match_alefhamza ...
find_text,within_text,start_num! Returns the number of the character at which a specific character or text string is first ...
find_text,within_text,start_num!Finds the starting position of one text string within another text string. FINDB is case-sensitive. ...
find_text,within_text,start_num!Returns the number of the character at which a specific character or text string is first ...