You can press the F9 key to quickly switch between your current zoom setting and 100%, and to switch back and forth between 100% and your previous zoom setting.
You can open the database, view objects and modify records using this release of Access, but design changes will be disabled. ...
You can optionally preview the form as if it was published to the specified domain. The setting will only apply if the security ...
You can optionally provide descriptive text and a link to a web page that will be visible to administrators of remote farms ...
You can place the chart on a worksheet, or on its own new chart sheet. Type a name for a new chart sheet, or choose an existing ...
You can press the F9 key to quickly switch between your current zoom setting and 100%, and to switch back and forth between ...
You can publish your Access application to a server, so that others can use your application from any standards-compliant ...
You can quickly capture meeting notes, brainstorming notes, ideas and thoughts, audio from discussions, video from interviews, ...
You can record an interview and take notes at the same time. The audio/video recordings are automatically embedded as a file ...
You can record the meeting. To do this, on the Insert menu, click Audio Recording. Click the audio icon next to the line ...