Cannot order '%{table/}'[%{column/}] by [%{orderbycolumn/}] because at least one value in [%{column2/}] has multiple distinct values in [%{orderbycolumn2/}]. For example, you can sort [City] by [Region] because there is only one region for each city, but you cannot sort [Region] by [City] because there are multiple cities for each region.
Cannot find an attribute in the source cube '%{srccube/}' that matches the attribute '%{attrib/}' in dimension '%{dim/}' ...
Cannot get a reference to the PowerPivot service application proxy. Check whether a PowerPivot service application was created ...
Cannot load table "{0}". Make sure the data source is available, and that Source Table Name and Schema Name are valid. Details: ...
Cannot load VertiPaq engine because a valid PowerPivot installation was not detected on this machine. Please re-install PowerPivot. ...
Cannot order '%{table/}'[%{column/} by %{orderbycolumn/} because at least one value in %{column2/} has multiple distinct ...
Cannot query internal supporting structures for column '%{table/}'[%{column/} because they are not processed. Please refresh ...
Cannot query internal supporting structures for column '%{table/}'[%{column/} because they depend on a column, relationship, ...
Cannot query the '%{table/}'[%{hier/} hierarchy because it depends on a column, relationship, or measure that is not processed. ...
Cannot query the '%{table/}'[%{hier/} hierarchy because it is not processed. Please refresh or recalculate the table '%{recalctable/}'. ...