Audit account logon events This security setting determines whether to audit each instance of a user logging on to or logging off from another computer in which this computer is used to validate the account. Account logon events are generated when a domain user account is authenticated on a domain controller. The event is logged in the domain controller's security log. Logon events are generated when a local user is authenticated on a local computer. The event is logged in the local security log. Account logoff events are not generated. If you define this policy setting, you can specify whether to audit successes, audit failures, or not audit the event type at all. Success audits generate an audit entry when an account logon attempt succeeds. Failure audits generate an audit entry when an account logon attempt fails. To set this value to No auditing, in the Properties dialog box for this policy setting, select the Define these policy settings check box and clear the Success and Failure check boxes. If success auditing for account logon events is enabled on a domain controller, an entry is logged for each user who is validated against that domain controller, even though the user is actually logging on to a workstation that is joined to the domain. Default: Success.
Attributes: %1!d! Values: %2!d! Dn-valued Attributes: %3!d! MaxDnVals on any attr:%4!d! ObjectDn with maxattr:%5!S! Attrname ...
Attune 1.1 has a known compatibility issue with this version of Windows. For an update that is compatible with this version ...
Attune 2.1 has a known compatibility issue with this version of Windows. For an update that is compatible with this version ...
Audio clips can only be added in the timeline view. The view has been switched from the storyboard view to the timeline view, ...
Audit account logon events This security setting determines whether to audit each instance of a user logging on to or logging ...
Audit account management This security setting determines whether to audit each event of account management on a computer. ...
Audit directory service access This security setting determines whether to audit the event of a user accessing an Active ...
Audit logon events This security setting determines whether to audit each instance of a user logging on to or logging off ...
Audit object access This security setting determines whether to audit the event of a user accessing an object for example, ...