You have reached the limit for the number of documents that can be downloaded to SkyDrive Pro.Please discard the local copy of a document from SkyDrive Pro using the Discard Local Copy option on the Home tab.
You have not saved your changes to the column. Select OK to save the changes and open the term management tool, or Cancel ...
You have not set a title for this page, so the URL name of this page will remain {0}. Are you sure you want to use this URL ...
You have reached the limit for the number of documents that can be added to SkyDrive Pro. SkyDrive Pro will add the document ...
You have reached the limit for the number of documents that can be downloaded to SkyDrive Pro.Please discard local copies ...
You have reached the limit for the number of documents that can be downloaded to SkyDrive Pro.Please discard the local copy ...
You have selected a location which contains too many characters in its path. Please choose another location with a shorter ...
You have selected items in different approval states. The approval status that you choose below will apply to all selected ...
You have selected too many users or permission policy levels for this operation. Please press "Back" on your browser to return ...
You have specified a URL that begins with http://. Communication to this URL will not be secure and can be intercepted by ...