Creates or upgrades a management data warehouse for storing data collection set results. To configure data collection for this instance, run this wizard again and select "Set up data collection".
Creates a prediction by mapping an existing mining model to an external data source and then filtering the input data by ...
Creates a prediction on a mining model that contains a nested table, by using an external data source that also contains ...
Creates a prediction on a mining model that contains a nested table, by using an external data source that also contains ...
Creates a query that returns information about an existing mining model, or about the patterns and statistics in the data. ...
Creates or upgrades a management data warehouse for storing data collection set results. To configure data collection for ...
Creating a %1!s! index requires that the primary key in the base table satisfy the following restrictions. The maximum number ...
Creating a new database for the users of the Data Mining Add-ins for Office 2007 gives them the freedom to create temporary ...
Creating and altering SOAP endpoints will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development ...
Creating or altering compressed table '%1!s!' failed because the uncompressed row size would be %2!s!, including %3!s! bytes ...