A smart card was detected but is not the one required for the current operation. The smart card you are using may be missing required driver software or a required certificate. Contact your system administrator to resolve this problem.
A simple storage space writes one copy of your data, and doesn't protect you from drive failures. A simple storage space ...
A simple volume is made up of free space on a single dynamic disk. Create a simple volume if you have enough free disk space ...
A site name cannot contain spaces or any of the following characters: . { | } ~ ' : ; < = > ? @ ! " # $ % ^ ` ( ) + / \ , ...
A slow network connection is detected for the roaming profile %1. It will not be synchronized with the profile on this computer. ...
A smart card was detected but is not the one required for the current operation. The smart card you are using may be missing ...
A snapshot error occured while scanning this drive. You can try again, but if this problem persists, run an offline scan ...
A snapshot of '{0}' is now being taken. Type a name if you do not want to use a default name. Do you want to rename the snapshot? ...
A sound theme is a set of sounds applied to events in Windows and programs. You can select an existing scheme or save one ...
A spanned volume is made up of disk space on more than one dynamic disk. Create a spanned volume if you need a volume that ...