The table is too large for the workspace. A table in your publication has become too large for the workspace and was deleted.
The table cannot be opened in design view because it contains one or more SQL Server data types that are not supported in ...
The table cannot be published to (!idspnSharePointFoundation_NV). The error is described below, along with data type information ...
The table contains a custom formula or invalid text in the total row. In earlier versions of Excel, the data is displayed ...
The table for which you tried to create an import/export specification was created in an earlier version of |9.@To convert ...
The table is too large for the workspace. A table in your publication has become too large for the workspace and was deleted. ...
The table is too large to fit on the page. To fit the table on the page, you may need to increase your page size, change ...
The table name specified is not allowed with this database. Either the name is a reserved word or it contains a reserved ...
The table name you entered doesn't follow |9 object-naming rules.@For more information about naming objects, click Help.@2@1@11734@1 ...
The table or query name '|' you entered in either the property sheet or macro is misspelled or refers to a table or query ...