To initiate and send a push trigger to another WINS server. Syntax: init push [Server=]Push server name or IP address [[PropReq=]0|1] Parameters: Server - The name of the push server to which to send a trigger. PropReq - 0-Push to the specified server only (default) 1-Have server propagate the push trigger to all of its partners Note: If the name is provided and cannot be resolved, the operation fails. Example: init push server= propreq=1 This command sends a push trigger to WINS server and has it propagate the trigger to all of its replication partners.
To initiate an import of static mappings from an Lmhosts file. Syntax: init import File=]Import File Parameters: File - The ...
To initiate and force an immediate replication of the database with replication partners. Syntax: init replicate Note: This ...
To initiate and pull a range of records from another WINS server. Syntax: init pullrange Owner= Owner server IP Server= Pull ...
To initiate and send a pull trigger to another WINS server. Syntax: init pull Server=]Pull server name or IP address Parameters: ...
To initiate and send a push trigger to another WINS server. Syntax: init push Server=]Push server name or IP address PropReq=]0|1 ...
To initiate authorization for the current DHCP server in Active Directory. Syntax: initiate auth Notes: No additional parameters ...
To initiate backup of the WINS database to a specified directory. Syntax: init backup Dir=]Backup dir Type=]0|1 Parameters: ...
To initiate reconciliation for all scopes defined at the current DHCP server. Syntax: initiate reconcile fix Parameters: ...
To initiate restoring of the WINS database from a directory at the server computer. Syntax: init restore Dir= Restore dir ...