Getting (!idspnSharePoint) server properties using the SharePointServerRootUrl, SharePointSiteUrl, SharePointListUrl, and SharePointSiteCollection functions are supported only by (!idspnInfoPath_Short_2010) or greater. Remove the functions before saving the form.
Generates new password for an account, updates the account password, then launches jobs to deploy the new password to everything ...
Generates unique identifiers that can be inserted in Microsoft Office documents. Barcodes can also be used to search for ...
Get MAPI IDs failed (MAPI error %5). This is the result of an error reported by the MAPI (Messaging Application Programming ...
Get personalized answers from Microsoft or other support providers. Note: Some support options may incur additional costs. ...
Getting (!idspnSharePoint) server properties using the SharePointServerRootUrl, SharePointSiteUrl, SharePointListUrl, and ...
Getting (!idspnSharePoint) server properties using the SharePointServerRootUrl, SharePointSiteUrl, SharePointListUrl, and ...
GetUserAudienceIDs::GetUserAudienceIDs() : Retrieving user audience list has encountered an error. AccountName={0}, Error ...
GetUserAudienceIDs::GetUserAudienceIDs() : Retrieving user audience list has encountered an error. AccountName={0}, Error ...
Given Action cannot work with the given Instance, as the View of the instance doesn't enough information to populate the ...