Failed to set one or more properties on the data object. Ensure that the input values are valid and can be converted to the corresponding property types.
Failed to register channel token {0}, because another send activity has registered a channel with the same name and scope ...
Failed to resume the page function of type {0}. Make sure the type has a default constructor and its assembly is accessible. ...
Failed to retrieve the EndpointAddress from the endpoint, config file or the callback context. This could be because neither ...
Failed to serialize Object '{0}' of type '{1}'. The object has a circular reference which could potentially lead to Stack ...
Failed to set one or more properties on the data object. Ensure that the input values are valid and can be converted to the ...
Failed to set one or more properties on type {0}. Ensure that the input values are valid and can be converted to the corresponding ...
Failed to start monitoring changes to '{0}' because the network BIOS command limit has been reached. For more information ...
failed to start the service because it is disabled. An administrator can enable it by running 'sc.exe config {0} start= demand'. ...
Failed to use SqlCacheDependency because permission is denied. In order to use SqlCacheDependency, the application needs ...