The '%{IMBIColumnId/}' column of the '%{IMBITableId/}' table contains a value, '%{value/}', which is not supported (line number '%{line/}').
The '%{granularitypropertyid/}' granularity attribute ID referenced by the '%{detaildimension/}' measure group dimension ...
The '%{hierarchy/}' hierarchy has two levels, '%{level1/}' and '%{level2/}', that have the same source attribute '%{sourceproperty/}'. ...
The '%{id/}' ID of the %{typename/} is not valid because this ID is a reserved word, contains one or more characters that ...
The '%{IMBIColumnId/}' column of the '%{IMBITableId/}' table cannot be processed because it contains more than two billion ...
The '%{IMBIColumnId/}' column of the '%{IMBITableId/}' table contains a value, '%{value/}', which is not supported (line ...
The '%{intermediatedimension/}' intermediate dimension of the '%{detaildimension/}' measure group dimension cannot be a many-to-many, ...
The '%{intermediatedimensionid/}' intermediate dimension ID of the '%{detaildimension/}' measure group dimension does not ...
The '%{intermediategranularitypropertyid/};' intermediate granularity attribute ID of the '%{detaildimension/}' measure group ...
The '%{IWColumnName/}' column of the '%{IWTableName/}' table contains a value, '%{value/}', which is not supported (line ...