An error occurred while adding the global variables to the scripting host namespace. This might prevent the task from using global variables in the script.
An error occurred when sampling data from the database. If the problem is due to timeout expired, you may increase the query ...
An error occurred when saving changes to report '{0}', or to the report data sources or parameters. Verify that you have ...
An error occurred while accessing an internal object. This could indicate a custom extension built for Integration Services ...
An error occurred while accessing the database mirroring metadata. Drop mirroring (ALTER DATABASE database_name SET PARTNER ...
An error occurred while adding the global variables to the scripting host namespace. This might prevent the task from using ...
An error occurred while adding the managed SSIS type library to the script host. Verify that the DTS 2000 runtime is installed. ...
An error occurred while adding the managed type library to the script host. Verify that the DTS 2000 runtime is installed. ...
An error occurred while adding the SSIS variables to the script host namespace. This might prevent the task from using SSIS ...
An error occurred while applying security settings. 2 is not a valid user or group. This could be a problem with the package, ...