We couldn't unfollow this email. Please try to unfollow it again. If the issue continues, delete the email to avoid sending it as a followed email.
We couldn't follow this email. Please try to follow it again. If the issue continues, please contact your system administrator. ...
We couldn't perform a search because you don't have permission to search the knowledge base (KB). Contact your system administrator. ...
We couldn't retrieve the app configurations. Please contact your Dynamics 365 administrator and give them the information ...
We couldn't retrieve your app configurations because your device is currently not connected to a network, please reconnect ...
We couldn't unfollow this email. Please try to unfollow it again. If the issue continues, delete the email to avoid sending ...
We couldn't upgrade the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Email Router because it was configured for an email server that's not supported ...
We didn't discover any Dynamics 365 instances. Enter the URL for your Dynamics 365 instance, or contact your system administrator. ...
We didn't find an entity for this link. Dynamics 365 may still be processing, or it's not set up to create entities from ...
We didn't find that application ID in your Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Make sure your application is registered in ...